December 28, 2007


As seen in Midday Travel Ltd Website



Just twenty-five minutes from Suva, in the heart of the tropical forest of the Wainadoi Mountains, lies ZIP FIJI's own private eco-reserve, a biological paradise where you will discover a stunning profusion of Fiji's tropical flora and fauna. Our Canopy Adventure gives you the opportunity to experience this amazing wilderness from a unique perspective.

Only in your wildest fantasies have you swung from treetop to treetop through dense tropical vegetation! Fast, fun and exhilarating, ZIP FIJI finally brings these dreams to life!

On this spectacular eco-adventure tour you will experience what can only be described as a pulse-stopping view of one of the most beautiful and complex biological communities on earth. Feel the rush of adrenalin pump through your veins as you whoosh from platform to platform, 90 ft (30 meters) above the forest floor! A series of thrilling zip lines gives you the maximum opportunity to marvel at the stunning, tropical setting as you effortlessly traverse through the huge tropical trees, amongst wild orchids and a diversity of native birds.

At ZIP FIJI, safety is our top priority. Guests are under the constant care and supervision of highly qualified personal who have received over 200 hours of formal training in Canopy Tour operations and safety techniques, and we use only top-quality equipment that is regularly and rigorously inspected and maintained. Our knowledgeable guides will assist you every step of the way - from the time you leave the ground, until you come back down to the forest floor.

There has never been a more exciting way to explore the depths of the tropical rainforest! For thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike, this amazing adventure travel experience is the most popular ecological jungle tours in Fiji.

樹端冒險之旅 (Zip斐濟)

搭 上巴士離開碼頭,先在市區來趟蘇瓦精華之旅,途中經過總統府、國會大樓…等主要景點,然後驅車前往距離蘇瓦只有25分鐘車程遠的熱帶森林–懷那多依山 (Wainadoi Moutain),來到屬於Zip(斐濟)公司私人所擁有的生態保育區,這裡可以看到許多斐濟特有的熱帶動植物。要想親近這片原始森林,樹端冒險之旅


也許有遊客會問:這種的活動會不會很危險? 讓遊客刺激地玩固然重要,但”安全”絕對才是首要的考量。所有的遊客都是在嚴密的照料和監督下來進行活動,高素質的工作人員,每個人都要接受超過200個 小時的正規訓練,才能為遊客服務。樹端冒險之旅公司只使用最高品質的裝備,並定期進行嚴密檢查和維修保養。每位經驗豐富的導遊會一步一步地幫助遊客穿好裝 備、扣上繩索,從離開地面、高台出發、抵達、返回地面,都在工作人員的監督、協助下進行。



適合對象: 6歲以上至80歲老人,只要健康狀況良好,無心臟病、高血壓疾病,可以穿上安全裝備的遊客均可參加。

費用: 每位大人$90紐幣,每位小孩(12歲以下)$65紐幣。